I’d like to introduce my daughter.




I’d like to introduce my daughter.

There are three points that are important - she is bright and cheerful, she is caring to everyone, and she is a hard worker.

First, she is bright and cheerful. She always laughs a lot and makes everyone laugh. I get messages from her every day, for example, about things that happened in school, funny things that she has experienced, or a funny tweet that she has seen. Sometimes, she sends me over 30 messages a night but I'm happy about that.

Secondly, she is caring to everyone. She especially takes care of other people’s children well. When we hang out together with my friend’s family, she always takes care of my friend's little children and she really enjoys it. And, she was a central figure in her class in high school because she was caring to many of her friends.

Thirdly, she is a hard worker. It has been her dream to work at a nursery since she was a child, and she has made great efforts to achieve that. She has learned to play the piano and she has studied for a long time. As a result, she passed the entrance exam of the university education department.

Finally, I think she has made every effort to make her dreams come true. I am proud of her and I strongly believe that she will make her dreams come true.

This is the end of my presentation.



40代の減量戦略 〜体重-14kg、体脂肪率-12%を実現した具体的な方法〜
